Custom Channel
General Information

How long will my channel stay?

You can keep the channel as long you or your colleagues still use the channel. We always monitor every custom channels. If we see your channel with no user for 30 days, your channel will be deleted.

If my channel got deleted/removed, am I able to create my custom channel again?

Once your current channel got deleted, you don't have a second chance to create custom channel.

How many custom channel I can create?

You only can create 1 custom channel.

What kind of channel can be created on Custom Channel category?

Only the Standard voice channel (not stage channel).

What about voice quality?

Once the channel got created, the room master can change the voice bitrate and also the region override (voice channel region).

Can I (as the room master) can change the channel permission?

Short answer, no. Why? It's for server security reasons.

So, how my friends can join to my channel?

Our Admin's or Mod's can do it for you! Just mention one of our Admin's or Mod's, but please don't do spam mention!

Are the music bots can enter my channel?

Yes, they can. If you want to hear some music, you can invite them to your channel by type their command in bot-commands.