Custom Channel
Getting Started

What is Custom Channel?

Custom Channel is a private-room alike, but it can be customized by yourself (room master/channel owner). Custom Channel only available on Hyperion Discord server (Main).

Who are able to create a Custom Channel?

All Hyperion members who have joined the Hyperion Discord server and have reached the Diamond rank. And the offer to create a custom channel is FREE.

I got the Diamond rank. So, can I have my own channel now?

If you have earned the Diamond rank and have been a member on the Hyperion Discord server for 1 month/more, then you are allowed to have your own channel. If you have earned the Diamond rank and have been a member on the Hyperion Discord server for less than 1 month, then you are not allowed to create or have your own channel.

I feel I have met all the requirements, how do I create my own channel?

You can do ping/mention the Admin or Mod who are currently online, and you don't need to spam ping/mention. And we will only help you with the channel creation, and regarding channel naming, bitrate quality setting, and data center locations are your own responsibility (as the channel owner).

Do server rules apply to each custom channel?

Some of the rules still apply to all registered custom channels, therefore you must still follow the rules that have been set.

I have another questions about custom channel!

Please send your questions on the #community-feedback channel.